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Summer Citrus White Tea Jelly – Treat Yourself Tuesday

Summer Citrus White Tea Jelly

In the warm weather, out palettes tend to change. Instead of the heavier, richer flavors we look for in desserts in the colder months, now we’re searching for lighter, fruitier flavors. Citrus flavors are particularly nice in the heat. White Peony provides a light, bright base for citrus’s sweet and tart notes. Together, these create balanced, refreshing desserts. Those are just a few of the reasons we love this Summer Citrus White Tea Jelly!

Nora first made this recipe, originally posted on Tartlette, years ago for her mother. Her mom grew up in a British household drinking tea for any and every reason. She was looking for a healthy dessert for the summer, and wanted to incorporate tea, since she and her mother so frequently bonded over it. Since starting Moody Teas, this has become a summer staple. It’s the perfect dish when you want something sweet and citrusy without too much added sugar or heavy pastry.

Enjoy this delightfully refreshing Summer Citrus White Tea Jelly? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share all your gorgeous, fruit gem studded dessert photos on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!

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