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Miracle Mint: 7 Reasons You Need Mint Tea 

Mint is pretty miraculous. From vitamins and minerals to anti inflammatory properties, mint tea can be effective in treating tons of ailments.

It’s March, and this year we’re declaring it Mint Madness! St. Patrick’s Day is coming after all, and in Chicago we take the green holiday VERY seriously. From minty recipes to all things green, we’re celebrating March in Minty Fresh style. ? (okay, okay, I’m done with the bad puns for now). But seriously – mint IS pretty miraculous. From menthol, vitamins, and minerals, to anti inflammatory, antimicrobial, and analgesic properties, this all purpose herb can be effective in treating tons of ailments.

From Egypt to Greece

Mint tea, which is made from the leaves of the mint plant, is a popular herbal tea that has been consumed for centuries. The history of mint tea can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Greece, and Rome, where it was highly valued for its medicinal properties. Mint was used in these cultures to treat various ailments such as digestive issues, headaches, and bad breath. 

In ancient Egypt, mint was considered a symbol of hospitality. It was often offered to guests as a sign of welcome. It was also used to make perfumes and cosmetics, as well as to flavor food and drinks. 

In ancient Greece, mint was used in both culinary and medicinal applications. It was believed to have a cooling effect on the body and was used to treat fevers, headaches, and digestive issues. Greek mythology also has references to the use of mint. The goddess Persephone was even said to have transformed a nymph into a mint plant. 

In ancient Rome, mint was used for both medicinal and culinary purposes. It was used to flavor food, freshen breath and treat digestive issues. Roman soldiers would also carry mint with them on long marches to help soothe sore feet. 

The tradition of drinking mint tea became popular in the Middle East during the 12th century, where it was introduced by traders from China. Mint tea became a staple in many Middle Eastern countries, such as Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria, where it is often served as a sign of hospitality to guests. 

Today, mint tea is enjoyed all over the world for its refreshing taste and various health benefits. It is often consumed as a hot or cold beverage, and can be made using fresh or dried leaves. 

How Mint Will Change Your Life

It can relieve digestive discomfort

  • Mint tea is known to have a soothing effect on the stomach and can help alleviate digestive issues like bloating, gas, and indigestion. Mint contains menthol, which has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive tract. This can help to ease symptoms of indigestion such as bloating, gas, and stomach cramps. It has been shown to stimulate the production of bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver that helps break down fats and aids in the digestion of food. 
  • Mint can also help reduce nausea and vomiting. It is particularly effective in reducing symptoms of nausea caused by motion sickness. And it has a soothing effect on the muscles of the esophagus, which can help alleviate the symptoms of heartburn. 
  • Mint can help relieve symptoms of IBS. IBS is a common digestive disorder characterized by symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation. It has been shown to be effective in reducing the severity and frequency of these symptoms in people with IBS.  

Mint can take care of that headache

  • Mint tea can help alleviate headaches and migraines due to its natural cooling and soothing properties.
  • As mentioned above, it contains menthol, which has a natural muscle relaxant effect. When applied topically or inhaled, it can help to ease tension in the muscles that can cause headaches. 
  •  Mint has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can be a contributing factor in some types of headaches. 
  • Mint has a cooling and soothing effect that can help reduce the intensity of headaches and migraines. This effect is due to the ability of menthol to activate cold receptors in the skin and mucous membranes. 
  • Mint, especially spearmint, can act as a natural analgesic or pain reliever, which can help alleviate headache pain. 
  • It has been shown to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. This can help alleviate headaches caused by poor circulation. 

It Can Help You Chill Out

  • Mint has a natural calming effect on the body, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This is due to the presence of compounds such as menthol and rosmarinic acid that have been shown to have a relaxing effect on the muscles and nerves. 
  • Mint has been shown to have mood-boosting effects and can help to improve overall emotional well-being. It is believed that the scent can help to promote feelings of happiness and relaxation. 
  • It can help reduce stress hormones, like cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress. High levels of cortisol can lead to negative health effects such as increased inflammation and weakened immune system. Mint has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels in the body, which can help to reduce the negative effects of stress. 
  • Mint has natural sedative properties that can help to promote relaxation and aid in sleep. This can be particularly helpful for people who experience stress-related insomnia. 
  • It has been shown to have anti-anxiety effects, which can help to reduce feelings of nervousness and anxiety. 

Mint Can Boost Your Immunity

  • Mint tea contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from infections and diseases. It contains antioxidants such as rosmarinic acid and flavonoids that help to protect the body against damage from free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage cells and contribute to the development of diseases. 
  • Mint has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation can weaken the immune system and make the body more susceptible to infections and diseases. 
  • Mint has been shown to have antimicrobial properties that can help to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This can help to prevent infections and promote overall health. 
  • Mint is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. 
  • As mentioned earlier, it can aid in digestion and improve the absorption of nutrients. This, in turn, can support the immune system by ensuring that the body receives the necessary nutrients for optimal function. 

It can freshen your breath

  • Mint tea is a natural breath freshener and can help combat bad breath. It has natural antibacterial properties that can help to kill the bacteria that cause bad breath. These bacteria can build up on the tongue and in the mouth, leading to an unpleasant odor. 
  • It has a fresh, minty scent that can help to mask unpleasant odors and leave the breath feeling clean and fresh. It has also been shown to stimulate saliva production. This can help to rinse away bacteria and food particles that can contribute to bad breath. 

Mint can help you fall (and Stay) asleep

  • Mint tea can help relax the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Mint has natural sedative properties that can help to promote relaxation and aid in sleep. This is due to the presence of compounds such as menthol that have a calming effect on the body and mind. 
  • Mint has been shown to have mood-boosting effects and can help to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, which can interfere with sleep. This can be particularly helpful for people who experience stress-related insomnia. Inhaling the scent while drinking tea can help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. This can be also done by using the essential oil in a diffuser or adding a few drops to a bath. 
  • Mint can aid in digestion and reduce stomach discomfort. This can help to prevent disruptions in sleep caused by digestive issues. It can help to relax the muscles, which can aid in sleep. This is due to the presence of compounds such as rosmarinic acid that have muscle-relaxing properties. 

It can keep your skin glowing

  • The antioxidants in mint tea help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals, leading to healthier and younger-looking skin.
  • Mint has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. This makes it helpful for treating skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It has been shown to have antibacterial properties that can help to kill bacteria on the skin and prevent infections. 

It’s important to note that while mint tea can offer these benefits, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional. Check with your doctor if you have any specific health concerns or conditions or before using herbal remedies. 

Whew – that was long! Is there anything mint can’t do? No wonder it’s been used by so many societies across the world and the centuries. So, which minty blend is for you?

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