Moody Teas

Moody lovers and content creators rejoice! Your chance to get free tea is here! Moody Teas doesn’t believe in traditional marketing strategies. Instead, we rely on word of mouth and positive reviews from our happy customers. So, we’ve set up the Moody Creator Club, a group of people who love good quality tea, are interested in our products, and want to pass them on to their communities!

What does creator club membership include?

  • Membership to the creator club includes perks like free samples, birthday gifts, sneak peeks, and all kinds of surprise packages! We’ll send you extra fun stuff for you to experiment with, in your own way! If cooking is your thing, create a recipe with one of our blends. More into yoga? Teach your viewers a routine inspired by your fave Mood.

How much does it cost?

  • Moody Creator Club is free. This club isn’t about sales, its about spreading the love in our amazing Moody communitea to reach more people. In other words, this is about spreading your Mood!

How does membership to the creator club work?

  • We’ll send you surprise packages for you to use in your content creation – whether you enjoy reviewing products, or just loved the tea, let us know!
  • Post content on social media, tag us, write reviews, however you’d like to share your Mood with your community.

Do I have to post? I just want the free tea!

  • No, there are no hidden tricks here. You aren’t obligated to post about anything we send.
  • However, you posting products you love helps us build our communitea and learn more about our customers, so we can create better blends to suit their needs.
  • The more our communitea grows, the more we can invest back into the club, with more frequent and more elaborate packages, and even bigger surprises.
  • Joining this club is your investment in us, and the more often you share Moody Teas, the more we can invest back into you. This means we grow together!
  • For these reasons, surprise packages will be sent out through a raffle, including additional entries for every post you make! This way, everyone has a shot for a surprise package, with better chances for those who provide us with more feedback or post more often.
  • Please note members can only win once per lottery, to allow more packages sent out to more members.
  • In other words, you can definitely sign up just for the tea, but you won’t receive as many packages as members who post.

Where do I sign up?

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