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The Tea About Tea Bags: Why Loose Leaf Is Better Than Bags 

Whether you're new to tea or already a tea fanatic, chances are you've used a tea bag. You may even think tea bags are the way to go. They're definitely accessible, they're generally inexpensive, and they're super convenient. But we're here to let you in on a secret – tea bags are the worst type of tea you could drink! What about tea bags could be so bad? Check out these 6 reasons below! 

Read More The Tea About Tea Bags: Why Loose Leaf Is Better Than Bags 

10 Women in Tea History You Should Know About 

It's Women's History Month! As a woman owned business, we're ecstatic to take this month to write about women's roles in tea! The tea industry has a long and rich history. There have been many women throughout history who have played important roles in the cultivation, production, and consumption of tea. Keep reading to learn about just a few examples of women who played important roles in tea and women's history.

Read More 10 Women in Tea History You Should Know About 

Hibiscus and Black History: From Sorrel to Jamaica

Hibiscus tea is pretty popular nowadays. This is probably because it's packed with potential benefits like reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and even possibly preventing cancer. But hibiscus drinks have actually been used around the world for a long, long time. They began in Africa, traveling around the world via the slave trade. Today, they are a traditional beverage often associated with Black history through the symbolism of "red drink."

Read More Hibiscus and Black History: From Sorrel to Jamaica