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What’s New This New Year?

In early 2023, we set ambitious goals to expand our reach, participate in more farmers' markets, and educate people about the benefits of tea. As we look back at the results, it's evident that the year was a resounding success. With over 2,500 satisfied customers and significant growth in farmers' markets, Moody Teas not only achieved its objectives but also surpassed expectations. Let's dive into the accomplishments, fun facts, and what's next for Moody Teas in 2024.
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MLK Day Reflections

Every year, on MLK Jr Day, we take some time to reflect on the work and impact he had, and the work we still have left to do. While the civil rights movement paved the way for many improvements in the lives of BIPOC people, there are still huge discrepancies in the resources and opportunities accessible to people of color. 
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